Publication News!

Photo by Dezo Hoffman/REX/Shutterstock, pilfered from ATM’s website

Thanks to my husband, I discovered Scott Walker (the musician, not the governor) last year. His solo stuff is jaw-droppingly dark, so naturally I became obsessed.

I wrote an essay linking his haunting themes with my creative ambitions, which proved to be a hard sell. I plugged away, receiving some mighty fine rejection letters but no cigars, until I sent it to Across the Margin. You can read the essay — “Halo of Locusts” — here, which includes links to a handful of choice songs.

I’m really quite proud of this one and I’m bouncing in my seat. I hope you enjoy!



Jennifer Worrell

If Jennifer were to make a deal with the Devil, she’d ask to live — in good health — just until she’s finished reading all the books.