Jennifer Worrell
2 min readJul 13, 2022
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We were warned, but no one listened.

Soylent arrived in the US in 2013. Not as wafers like the 1973 documentary predicted, but as tasty 4-pack beverages. No one forced us to take it, the food availability situation wasn’t dire. It was simply enticing us from the shelves at Walgreens next to Boost and Carnation’s Breakfast Essentials with delicious flavors like mint chocolate. Oh the lols we shared over that name, the referential video clips. It was all a joke to you, wasn’t it?

Well here we are, 2022. We’re now dealing with the pollution, climate change, and food, water, and housing shortages foretold 50 years ago. There’s precious little time left to reverse this awful chain of events that will lead to devouring our neighbors. We must overcome the temptation of sweet, lucious Soylent Green!

Charlton Heston called upon me to assist in the fight; never mind that he’s dead. Aren’t we all dead, in a sense? It’s been a rough couple of years. Anyway, who am I to argue? Chuck was a tough bastard, and I wouldn’t want to piss him off. So unfortunately, I won’t be at Midwest Writers Workshop after all, because I’m trying to save you and your children from becoming convenience food.

No need to thank me. Saving the world is gratifying enough. But you can show your appreciation by buying a book or two. If you enjoyed the 200 words of fiction above, here are a bunch of others you might enjoy, some of which are free.


If the Devil offers Jenny a deal (surely it won’t be long now), she’d ask to live — in good health — just until she’s finished reading all the books. She figures that’s pretty square.

In case other bibliophiles attempt the same scheme, she’s working hard to get all her ideas on paper. She writes multi-genre fiction and the occasional essay, has always been drawn to “what-ifs” and flawed characters, and has never quite mastered the happy ending.

Her debut novel, Edge of Sundown, was released November 2020 by Darkstroke Books. Her short prose and essays appear in Across the Margin, Write City Magazine, Writing Disorder, Raconteur and Little Old Lady Comedy, among others. You can find links to her writing, website, social media and more via

thanks for reading. :)



Jennifer Worrell

If Jennifer were to make a deal with the Devil, she’d ask to live — in good health — just until she’s finished reading all the books.